Conquering mountains against the raging elements —

Relying on a favourable weather forecast, we set off to conquer Helm Crag (that’s the mountain wearing a WWII helmet and the granite Howitzer stabbing the peak). It looked good to begin with. The sun winked from behind the clouds. But it was too good to be true, so in no time we were faced […]

Conquering mountains against the raging elements —

Grasmere -a little holiday in the Lakes —

After the rollercoaster ride of my latest DI Marsh mystery launch, I am on a well deserved break in the Lake District. We come here, to Grasmere, every year at Easter, and stay at the same hotel, Rothay Garden. This year our pilgrimage had to be postponed, but at last we’re here! Day 1 Pissing […]

Grasmere -a little holiday in the Lakes —

It’s not a dog’s life when it’s the International Dog Day


Mango has a good life. She is four and a bit, a proud owner of three beds (one in the lounge, one in the hallway and one in the dining room) and several toys in various stages of decomposition. She participates in two daily walks, one at seven in the morning with Daughter, and another one around the afternoon tea time with Husband and me. She has her own food in her own bowl, but favours partaking in our dinners, especially when bones and gravy are involved. I often indulge her with juicy bits falling from my plate, which she catches stealthily, thinking that I can’t see her pilfering attempts. She is loving and has adopted our family as her own pack of which she is very protective, especially when the postman comes.

But there is a dark side to Mango, albeit not of her own making. She can be a bully of littler dogs (she herself isn’t that big, but give her a Yorkie and she will tear it to shreds). She goes ballistic at the sound and sight of motorbikers, hangs herself on her lead while trying to jump them from behind and sink her teeth in their helmets. She is mortified of children (until she gets to know them) and footballs send her running for her life. On several occasions in the past she bolted and run home, crossing dangerous streets and throwing herself at the oncoming traffic because a ball was kicked within her earshot. She didn’t realise it was a football. To her it was a cannon ball, or a bullet, or a lash of a whip. She was blinded with irrational fear. That’s because Mango is a rescue dog.

We don’t know what she had been through before she landed on our shores at the age of 5 months, but that little groan whenever I hug here and squeeze her ribcage and those faint scars on her nose tell a sad story. She has put the “kill shelters”  behind her and loves playing a tug-of-war. And when some bad memories come back to haunt her she hides under our bed (on my side) and feels safe. I know she feels safe because I can hear her snore.

Above is Mango’s portrait I painted on her fourth birthday. Because she is worth it.

And here is Mango in all her glory:


(this post was first published on my author’s site


Back in time to Edinburgh — Anna Legat Author

If you one of those history enthusiasts who would rather travel back (and forth) in time than into infinity and beyond, then Edinburgh is a place for you. The moment you land at Edinburgh Airport you get the impression you arrived in Hogwarts – Harry Potter-styled wizardly outfits are scattered all over the place. You […]

via Back in time to Edinburgh — Anna Legat Author


Paris in mugshots

Our trip to Paris

Daughter and I embarked on a mother-child bonding adventure in Paris, France. It was a perfect setting for finding common ground for it took our joint breath away and it made us contemplate things greater in life than our daily squabbles.

Places to visit in mugshots for those wishing to soak in some culture, history and arts in one potent cocktail, shaken – and – stirred:

Basilique du Sacre Coeur

Chateau de Versailles

Jardin de Versailles

Cathedral of Notre Dame

P1080476The Eiffel Tower

Cruising on the River Seine

The Pantheon


Palais du Luxembourg


We were swept off our feet, humbled, elevated and so very proud to be European. Admiring the wonders of architecture, sculpture, paintings and arts, wondering about the great minds – philosophers, writers and thinkers who laid the foundation of the unique European culture which shapes us today, remembering the history our ancestors built together, the blood they shed…

View original post 56 more words


The Prom Queen and an Ugly Duckling — Anna Legat Author

I am an emotionally charged Mummy. Yesterday was Daughter’s prom. Fab day for Daughter, a rollercoaster of emotions, dramas, malfunctioning Satnavs, makeup disasters and bare-knuckle fights for me. A whole day off work was requisitioned so that I could assist Daughter in her transformation from her customary leggings/baggy t-shirt getup and an aversity to hairbrush to… well, […]

via The Prom Queen and an Ugly Duckling — Anna Legat Author


When you want to go invisible – step by step instructions — Anna Legat Author

When you want to go invisible: You climb under the tiniest footstool in the house; You keep your tail tucked under your backside and avoid wagging it; You put on an innocent, but sheepish face; You pretend the legs and tail sticking out from under the stool have nothing to do with you. Visual guidelines: This dog […]

via When you want to go invisible – step by step instructions — Anna Legat Author


Marching for people’s vote

It was one of those London outings that I won’t forget in a hurry. It didn’t involve the West End theatre production or shopping, but it was 100% pure London: people’s power in action. We were marching with the estimated 1 Million ordinary people for peace, friendship and unity of our small continent, sending a clear message to Mr Putin and Mr Trump who are so keen to divide and conquer us.

It was crowded, it was hot, it was slow-going as the mass of people filled every nook and cranny of the main streets and every side alley. There were youngsters hanging from scaffolding and statutes, waving EU and British flags. There was a great sense of comaraderie and good humour all round. Husband brandished Danny Dyer’s famous quote about Cameron and his trotters up in Nice. I grabbed a photo with none other but the now iconic STOP-Brexit Man who camps on the doorstep of the House of Parliament day and night, rain or shine, to deliver his message.


My one and only wish for 2019

Happy New Year from us!

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If I had that one wish for New Year that could come true… What would it be?

I would have to use it wisely, make sure that I covered all bases, that I didn’t waste it on something short-lived and narrow. And the only thing I could think of was that somehow this New Year could bring us all together from wherever we are, whoever we are and whatever we believe in.

I am acutely conscious of the fact that the sort of world unity I wish for lost its allure a long time ago when recession hit us all hard and made us look for someone to blame. And the preachers of hate swooped in to point fingers at strangers and stranded travellers. They made us build walls and regroup to the higher ground of a crystal mountain where they told us to hide from the hordes: the dispossessed…

View original post 375 more words

Canada in instalments: 5(and last) Wildlife

Canada is brimming with all manner of creatures, large and small. But mainly large. They have the capacity to stop the traffic, and they often do. It is as if the entire effort of our human civilisation has passed unnoticed in this wild part of our planet. Quite rightly so!

Last few images from Canada to enjoy:

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